Simple Sorghum Popcorn Balls


Simple Sorghum Popcorn Balls


  • 2 1/2 TBSP Sorghum
  • 1/4 Cup Butter
  • 1 Small Bag of Mini Marshamllows
  • 1 Bag Popped Popcorn


  • Combine sorghum, butter, and marshmallows in a saucepan over low/medium heat until, marshmallows are completely melted. Stir constantly to be sure to not burn it! Heat to 250 degrees F.
  • Pour mixture over popcorn and mix until well coated. Allow to cool slightly.
  • Form popcorn into balls and serve. It is best to rub a little butter on your hands to keep the popcorn from sticking to your hands. Enjoy!

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