Simple Homemade Bread


Simple Homemade Bread


  • 2 Cups Warm Water
  • 1 1/2 TBSP Active Dry Yeast
  • 1/2 Cup + 1 TBSP Granulated Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
  • 1 1/2 TSP Salt
  • 5-6 Cups All Purpose or Bread Flour


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • In a small bowl, dissolve 1 TBSP of sugar in warm water, and then add the yeast and stir.
  • Allow mixture to sit for about 5 minutes, or until foamy on top.
  • Pour the liquid mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer and add remaining sugar, oil, and salt.
  • Using a dough hook attachment, mix together for just a few seconds, and then add the flour one cup at a time. You want the dough to be slightly sticky and not dry, so be careful not to add too much flour. I needed only 5 1/4 cups flour.
  • Allow dough to knead for at least 5 minutes.
  • Pull dough out of mixer and form into a ball.
  • Place dough ball into an oiled bowl and make sure the top of the ball is oiled as well.
  • Cover with plastic wrap or a damp cloth and allow to double in size. This usually takes about an hour.
  • Once dough has doubled, punch down to remove air and knead, on a floured surface, for about 1 minute.
  • Divide the dough in half and shape into loaves.
  • Place dough loaves into greased loaf pans.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise for about 30 minutes.
  • Once risen, remove plastic wrap and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 to 40 minutes. Enjoy!

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